Our Services

Here at Grand River Optometry we offer services to cover all of your eye care needs.

Comprehensive Eye Exams

A regular complete eye examination is the best way to maintain healthy eyes.   Our careful review of your vision needs, combined with state-of-the-art assessment will help you get the most out of your vision.   Many serious eye diseases can develop slowly with little to no symptoms.   Our tests screen for cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration and many other eye diseases.   In addition, routine eye exams can often uncover other systemic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

The frequency of examination depends on your age, family history and risk for eye disease.   If you are between 20 and 65 years of age you should have an exam at least every two years.    Grand River Optometry accepts most insurance plans and our staff can conveniently bill your insurance company directly.   If you are over 65 year of age and eligible under OHIP, your routine yearly exams and additional follow-up are covered by the government.

 At Grand River Optometry we also provide pediatric eye care.   Children’s eye exams are carefully planned to assess visual development and look for problems in their earliest stages.   We recommend a child’s first exam at 6 months of age and then annually after the age of 3 years old.    Our doctors know how to make testing fun for young children and the tests will help determine your child’s visual status and ocular health.   We screen for colour vison, depth perception, amblyopia (lazy eye), the need for glasses, among many other tests. 

Our Insurance – Direct Billing

We would like to make your visit with us as simple and convenient as possible. This is why we offer direct billing with the providers listed on the right.

Specialized Testing

Grand River Optometry has invested in modern equipment to examine your eyes more thoroughly than ever before. Many eye diseases can be detected earlier with the use of technology. Computerized scans of your retina and optic nerve can detect early signs of glaucoma and macular degeneration years before your eyesight is affected. Retinal imaging provides a means of establishing a baseline picture of your eye health, as well as tracking changes in ocular conditions such as diabetic retinopathy. Automated visual field tests evaluate your peripheral vision and provide a means of detecting and monitoring diseases like glaucoma and strokes. Some of these tests form part of your routine comprehensive exam or are recommended based on your individual risk factors. Our doctors are continually investing in continuing education and new equipment and techniques to provide you with the best care possible.

Eye Care Products

In an effort to provide you with the best care possible, we offer a complete line of eye drops, vitamins and other vision care products to enhance the comfort and function of your eyes.   We learned years ago that patients are much more successful and satisfied when they are able to purchase the eye care products they need right in our office.    Our wide selection of lubricating drops, dry eye products and vitamins that can help maintain your ocular health are offered at prices below that of most drug stores.   We are especially excited to carry a range of non-preserved lubricating drops that provide excellent comfort without the irritation of chemical preservatives.


8:00am – 6:30PM


7:30am – 5pm


8:00am – 6:30pm


8:00am – 6:30pm


9:00am – 4:00pm


By appointment only.

Find us in the Home Hardware Plaza

between the Optic House and the Bun Shoppe

(519) 751-4418

10 King George Rd, Brantford, ON N3R 5J7

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